David Wray, Finance Executive in a Fortune 50 Multinational and now author, joins Count Me In again to talk about his approach towards acquiring new skills. The Harvard Business Review in October 2019 investigated where learning and development go wrong…. Continue Reading…

AdaptingBuilding teamsCommunicationEffective TeamsFeedbackLeadershipmindfulnessOvercome ChallengesPerformance ManagementTips

Struggling for words? Picture this: deep in conversation and suddenly struggling for the right words to express your ideas, feelings, or thoughts! It is a common situation, but one we can learn to manage better than might be the case… Continue Reading…

advocateallyBuilding teamsCommunicationEffective TeamsLeadershipListeningPerformance Management

Building up other people requires key competencies Building up people isn’t quite the same as stacking them, so pictures really are worth a thousand words in moments like this. Many competencies, or skills, are critical to career and personal success…. Continue Reading…


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