What led me to make a life changing decision?
Major events have a way of prompting us periodically to assess our life as it is now relative to where we want it to be. It is this reflection that prompts many into making life changing decisions.
For me, it was the sudden death of my sister-in-law. It happened one summer day, Denise was in the bathroom washing her hands before breakfast, but she never came to the table. She was found unconscious and non-responsive on the bathroom floor. An evac team airlifted my sister-in-law to a trauma hospital from the remote cottage and, after a battery of tests, sadly she was pronounced brain dead. A catastrophic brain aneurysm that morning and then a second one later that evening, consciousness never returned. We reluctantly said our goodbyes before she transformed five organ recipients’ lives that day.
That event shaped a series of decisions over the following year, some of which were difficult. So, what did I learn from this experience?
What and how did I do it?
Carpe diem[1] (loosely translated as seize the day but more accurately translated as pluck the day) holds real meaning for me. Before I adopted that mantra, I undertook a journey which saw some twists and turns. I undertook an evaluation of my career and my personal life – here’s an excerpt of how I did it:

It takes a little time and effort to perform such self-reflections, however the rewards are immense and offer a long-term sense of wellbeing. After all, as my father says: “you only have one go around in this life, make it count!”
So, what is holding you back from performing the same self-assessment to move yourself towards an even better life?
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[1] Horace, Odes (23BC)