OpportunitiesPurposeResilienceSkillsTurbulenceWellbeingWork-life balance

Are you one of the millions feeling guilty about not using the time during the pandemic to develop a skill? Identifying everyday purpose is the antidote, see how the best do it!

advocateallyCommunicationEqualityLeadershipsocial movementWellbeing

What is the difference between an ally and an advocate? The terms ally or advocate are likely most familiar to you in the context of politics or equality. Let’s start with a clear definition. Merriam-Webster describes an ally as: A… Continue Reading…

AdaptingChangeCommunicationListeningnegotiationsOvercome ChallengesWellbeingWork-life balance

Work-Life Balance – Setting the Stage Work-life balance has been a hot topic on and off for years, so what has changed? In a word: everything! We’ve been living under restrictions of varying sorts since March, in other words eight… Continue Reading…


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