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Habit is a trigger word for some Habits are nothing more than routines absent of conscious thought. That said, they are an essential part of all of us powering just under half of our daily behaviours and actions. Without these… Continue Reading…

AccountabilityAdaptingBuilding teamsChangeDeterminationEmbracing learningEngaged EmployeesGoal SettingGood QuestionsLeadershipLogical ThinkingMotivationNetworkingOpportunitiesOvercome ChallengesPurposeStrategySuccess

Post crisis, we need to plan The pandemic has been about business survival, where disruption was necessary to drive through the changes needed at the moment. Little consideration was given to future business needs, but there is a silver lining…reinventors,… Continue Reading…

CommunicationEmbracing learningEngaged EmployeesGroup Meeting DynamicsInfluenceLeadershipListeningLogical ThinkingMotivationPersuadePurpose

The difference between persuade, influence, and coerce Starting with a common understanding of persuade, influence and coerce terms helps! To persuade is to “make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to that person and making them believe it” (Cambridge… Continue Reading…


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