CommunicationEmbracing learningGoal SettingGritPublishingWriting

Publishing a book is easy! Uh, not quite! Self-publishing has been made more accessible in recent years, however, publishing is more than merely creating a print (or digital) product. The internet is packed with book publishing advice, some of it… Continue Reading…

ChangeCommunicationEffective TeamsempathyFeedbackInfluenceLeadershipOvercome Challenges

What does the fear of change look like? Fear of change is a common trait of poor personal or team leadership. Change is inevitable, so mastering change management is a critical skill to acquire! “The world as we have created… Continue Reading…

AdaptingCareer setbacksChangeOvercome ChallengesPerformance ManagementResilience

A career setback comes in all shapes and sizes It probably doesn’t take long to identify a career setback moment where we did not get a role, a promotion, or an opportunity that we wanted. Not getting something that we… Continue Reading…


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