
Becoming the new team leader You are hired (or recently promoted) as the new team leader. You are full of nervous excitement. The anticipation of what the future holds is exhilarating. Yet, you are slightly anxious about fitting in and… Continue Reading…

ChangeCommunicationDistributed TeamsEmbracing learningLeadershipSkills

Learn from mistakes Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “Learn from the mistakes of others, you don’t live long enough to make them all yourself”. That sounds amazing – learn from others and then never again make a mistake yourself! If only… Continue Reading…

CommunicationGoal SettingMotivationOpportunitiesSkills

How we are motivated It helps to start with a good and obvious question: How are we motivated? We are motivated in two distinct ways: internally or externally and towards something or away from something.  What are the differences? Knowing your motivational… Continue Reading…


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