AccountableChangeConfidenceCourageDecision-makingDeterminationEmbracing learningGoal SettingGritMotivationNew Year ResolutionsOpportunitiesPayoffsPerseverancePrioritiesPurposeSelf-ReflectionSuccessTipsTricks

A new year with good intentions Millions of people around the world have made new year’s resolutions, believing this is the year to finally achieve XYZ. Resolutions are a process where, for many, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. … Continue Reading…

AdaptingCareerChangeConfidenceEmbracing learningGoal SettingMotivationOpportunitiesPayoffPlanningPrioritiesPurposeSelf-ReflectionSuccessWellbeing

Life events can change careers quickly Most great leaders can look back on their careers and pinpoint the pivotal moments, or events, that changed their careers or made them who they are today. Our choices in these moments determine the… Continue Reading…

AdaptingBiasCareer stallersChangeDecision-makingOpportunitiesPayoffSelf-ReflectionSelf-sabotaging

Understanding confirmation bias Confirmation bias is a well-known psychological effect. It describes the tendency for an individual to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that supports what is already believed. The concept, while easy to understand, is quite… Continue Reading…


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