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The sources of inevitable change The world around us is under constant and inevitable change. These changes produce a domino effect that often spills over into our personal state of mind, social circles, organizations, and communities.  Organizations undergo change for… Continue Reading…

AccountableBoundariesChangeConfidenceDecision-makingGoal SettingMotivationOvercome ChallengesOvercome StressPlanningPrioritiesPurposeResilienceTime Management

Tell-tale signs you have too many things on your plate The most obvious tell-tale sign of having too many things on your plate is from a loved one. Usually, a spouse, parent, or child says something like: “are you working… Continue Reading…

AccountabilityBuilding teamsCommunicationConfidenceEmbracing learningempathyESGLeadershipmindfulnessMotivationPurposeResilienceSelf-ReflectionSuccess

The head or heart leadership debate  Do the best leaders lead with their head or heart? This is indeed the million-dollar question! Bookshelves around the world are literally full of books promoting one leadership style over another or selling the… Continue Reading…


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