Career stallersConflict ResolutionHot ButtonsOvercome ChallengesSelf-ControlSelf-ReflectionSelf-sabotaging

What exactly are hot buttons? Hot buttons are basically a trigger (events, words, or behaviours in others) that evokes a destructive reaction or behaviour within us in response to the trigger. Hot buttons can be particularly problematic as they often… Continue Reading…

David Wray, Finance Executive in a Fortune 50 Multinational and now author, joins Count Me In again to talk about his approach towards acquiring new skills. The Harvard Business Review in October 2019 investigated where learning and development go wrong…. Continue Reading…

Career setbacksCareer stalkersLeadershipOvercome ChallengesSelf-ReflectionSkills

What are blind spots? A blind spot can quickly become the Achilles heel of performance (personal or professional). Weaknesses are aspects that we can purposefully strengthen with practice, time, or desire. Whereas blind spots are personal traits, mannerisms, tone of… Continue Reading…


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