David Wray, Author, and Lynda Hawton Kitamura, Chief Financial Officer of Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA) and Chair at the Board of Governors at Wilfrid Laurier University, join Count Me In to talk about a better way to learn the… Continue Reading…

ChangeCommunicationConfidenceConflict ResolutionCourageEffective TeamsempathyFeedbackLeadershipOvercome ChallengesPayoffsPurposeSelf-Reflection

Addressing head on tough workplace conversations One of the hardest challenges an individual faces is deciding how to tackle tough workplace conversations. These conversations can include simple things like a colleague’s disruptively loud office conversations to the more difficult topics… Continue Reading…

Goal SettingMotivationNew Year ResolutionsOpportunitiesOvercome ChallengesPayoffsPerseverancePlanningPrioritiesPurposeTime ManagementTipsValues

Breaking Free of Resolutions It is that time of year again, new year resolutions! The moments where, for many, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Don’t misunderstand, goals and dreams are wonderful but failing to meet them… Continue Reading…


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