Empathy, a life skill You are told that you lack empathy or are insensitive to others. Perhaps this spurs you on to realize this skill is important if you want to lead teams or projects. Empathy is a skill which,… Continue Reading…
Communication • Leadership • Skills
July 13, 2020
Photo credit: onlyyouqj What is an infectious attitude? A few years ago, I worked with a team whose leader was bright and caring but at times displayed overt disdain for senior management with team members. Her infectious attitude became a slow-moving… Continue Reading…
Leadership • Skills • Turbulence
March 23, 2020
Setting the Scene Is leadership in crisis? We are facing a crisis of global proportions; on a scale we have not seen before. The Coronavirus pandemic doesn’t discriminate or respect borders and the virus is focused on one goal: survival…. Continue Reading…