ChangeGoal SettingMotivationNew Year ResolutionsPayoffPayoffs

New Year Resolutions – A lift or a weight? Millions of people will set resolutions for 2021 that, this year, most definitely will be achieved! Or will they? Should you free yourself of this annual ritual once and for all?… Continue Reading…

AdaptingDisciplineGoal SettingMotivationPrioritiesSkillsTime Management

Time management, what is it? The pandemic, in many ways, has become the catalyst for individuals to focus on what matters and spend time more wisely. This is where time management comes into play. It’s a term to describe how… Continue Reading…

CommunicationGoal SettingMotivationOpportunitiesSkills

How we are motivated It helps to start with a good and obvious question: How are we motivated? We are motivated in two distinct ways: internally or externally and towards something or away from something.  What are the differences? Knowing your motivational… Continue Reading…


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