CareerDeterminationEmbracing learningGoal SettingMotivationOpportunitiesPurposeResilienceSkillsSuccess

Success is a skill or is it only an outcome? “The harder I work the luckier I become”, is an adage attributed, albeit incorrectly, to Thomas Jefferson. The earliest findings of this idea around luck and success date to 1922,… Continue Reading…

CareerDeterminationGoal SettingGritMotivationOpportunitiesPriorities

Motivating ourselves versus motivating others Motivating ourselves (or remaining motivated) can be trying in the best of circumstances.  Driving us to naturally wonder: how can can sustain high levels of motivation when we are faced with a “to-do list” that… Continue Reading…

ChangeDeterminationGoal SettingOpportunitiesSkills

Background Things are changing around us faster than some of us may like – the question is how do I adapt myself to new circumstances and what is going on around me to create a new normal?  This is a… Continue Reading…


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