AccountabilityBoundariesCommunicationConfidenceEffective TeamsEmbracing learningEngaged EmployeesLyingmindfulnessOpportunitiesOvercome ChallengesPurposeResilienceThrivingTime ManagementWellbeingWork-life balance

The origins of playing hooky The origin of the saying “playing hooky” is as colourful as the activity itself! Hooky at its core is defined as truancy and is thought to originate from the Frisian hoeckje, meaning corner, and the Dutch hoeckje spleen which translates… Continue Reading…

BoundariesBuilding teamsCommunicationConfidenceControlEffective TeamsEmbracing learningEngaged EmployeesLeadershipmindfulnessMotivationResilienceTime ManagementWork-life balance

Getting more done within the same time – fact or fiction? Getting more done in less time is a desire as old as the hills! But is it possible to actually “find” time, or is it a pipedream?  The answer… Continue Reading…

AdaptingConfidenceCourageDeterminationEffective TeamsEmbracing learningEngaged EmployeesOpportunitiesOvercome ChallengesPrioritiesResiliencyThrivingTime ManagementWellbeingWork-life balance

What does resiliency mean? Resiliency is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as: “the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult situations.” Its 17th-century origin is from the Latin verb resilire, or “to leap back” or “to recoil.”  Resilience is both an emotional… Continue Reading…


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