AdaptingChangeConfidenceControlCourageDecision-makingDeterminationEmbracing learningGoal SettingmindfulnessMotivationOpportunitiesPurposeSuccess

Feeling trapped and wondering what to do Millions of us, at some point, wake up feeling trapped. We might start wondering how to get out of the day in the office (wherever, or whatever, your “office” is). These mornings often… Continue Reading…

AccountabilityAgreementBuilding teamsChangeCommunicationDeterminationEffective TeamsEmbracing learningEngaged EmployeesFeedbackGroup Meeting DynamicsLeadershipOvercome ChallengesPurpose

Finding common ground or agreeing? The question of common ground surfaces when a group of individuals is discussing something where many perspectives, opinions, or views surface. In such moments, should we seek agreement, or should we seek alignment? Is there a… Continue Reading…

AdaptingChangeCommunicationConfidenceDeterminationEmbracing learningESGInfluenceLeadershipMotivationnegotiationsOpportunitiesOvercome ChallengesPayoffsPerseverancePersuadePurpose

Storytelling, the new business currency Quite recently I attended an event at Chatham House in London, along with several incredibly talented individuals, to discuss the Digital Transformation of Sustainability Information. Sustainability is one of those topics that is rapidly gaining prominence… Continue Reading…


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