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The Power of Potential: A Straightforward Method for Mastering Skills from Personal to Professional
The World Economic Forum report on The Future of Jobs concludes the importance, through 2025, of acquiring the skill of learning new skills (continuous learning).
The Power of Potential was written to solve exactly this issue, faster and easier skill mastery.
Yet it is a deceptively complex issue. Learning new skills can be time-consuming, expensive, and often winds up being abandoned by most of us far too fast! That is until you apply my straightforward and proven method.
In this book, you’re invited to learn how to get and master those skills that you really want faster and more easily than you ever imagined.
And who doesn’t want to further one’s career, make more money, or simply excel at something you love? The good news: the tools you need to do just that lie inside its pages.
Regret will be a thing of the past, your potential is yours to unlock!
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